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Wednesday, October 18, 2017

130-acre medical marijuana development to provide one,000 latest Michigan jobs

WINDSOR TWP., MI - The request is there - Michigan has about 220,000 medical marijuana card holders. The Harvest Park development in Eaton province going to be 1 of the premier facilities to serve them as the state of Michigan begins to open up licensing for such projects. "Michigan is the second largest medical marijuana state in the country, second to California," Donahue says. Harvest Park is preparing the space, dividing it into ten lots to sell to licensed cultivators, processors & other medical marijuana fields. Medical marijuana card holders cannot purchase the output at the location, But.

Jeff Sessions said it would be 'healthful' to have 'further competition' between medical marijuana growers for study

Attorney General Jeff Sessions wants to extend the supply of medical marijuana grown for researchHe is wary of expanding the programme also muchOrrin Hatch, a Utah Republican, co-sponsored a bill to increase access to medical marijuanaAttorney General Jeff Sessions says he wants to see "further competition" between medical marijuana growers who supply the plant to researchers, in his Wednesday morning testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee. Sen. Orrin Hatch, the Utah Republican, asked Sessions to "clarify" the Justice Department's position on applications from private companies & study institutions to supply researchers by medical-grade marijuana. "I think it would be healthful to have some further competition in the supply however I'm sure we don't necessity 26 latest suppliers," Sessions says. 29 states, however, have legalized some form of medical marijuana & allow doctors to prescribe the drug to patien ts. The Justice Department's approach to medical marijuana is governed by a congressional rider, the Rohrabacher-Farr Amendment, which disallows the department from spending money to prosecute medical marijuana operations which comply by state law, though it's not yet clear whether US Congress going to renew the amendment.

Jeff Sessions says it would be 'healthy' to have 'more competition' among medical marijuana growers for research

A push for medical marijuana in Wisconsin

as declared in 2 Dane province democrats are on a statewide tour promoting medical marijuana in Wisconsin. On Wednesday, Representative Chris Taylor & State Senator Jon Erpenbach stopped at the Brown province Courthouse. They co-sponsored bills which allow for limited Utilize of medical hashishfor those by specific, serious, & debilitating conditions by a doctor's approval. The bills were introduced in February of this year & have been stalled in committees. They shouldn't be putting Wisconsinites in harm's method," says Sen. Erpenbach,Rep. Taylor & Sen. Erpenbach saw medical marijuana is legal in 29 states.

Jeff Sessions calls for "further competition" between medical marijuana growers for study

"could you clarify the position of the Justice Department regarding these applications?" Hatch asked the head of the DOJ. Sessions replied:"We have a marijuana study system working This time. People have asked which there be multiple sources of the marijuana for medicinal study & have asked which it be confirmed. I believe there are This time 26 applications for approval of suppliers who would provide marijuana for medicinal study. Sessions was representing the Justice Department during an oversight hearing.

Jeff Sessions calls for

collected by :Lucy William

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