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Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Tips on how to lose weight

all you need to know about meal plans

Losing weight has been an aching matter to all food lovers and, especially the ones that cannot stop eating for one single moment. Moreover, there are some certain plans that might be in help to those in need and these plans range from meal plans to exercises in order to keep the body balanced and healthier.
However, if you do not have a will, you will certainly fail in reaching whatever you want to be and will not lose your weight. Instead you will only grow more and more fats, threatening your life.

Tips on weight loss 

There are three main ways in order for you to start losing weight ranging from cutting sugary meals to doing exercises regularly.

1) Cutting sugary meals
sugary meals

The most important part is reducing sugar and starch (carbohydrates). Moreover, when you do this, your hunger goes down and you end up eating a lot of calories. As instead of burning carbohydrates for energy, your body is now consuming stored fat. Furthermore, there are another benefit of reducing carbohydrates is that it lowers insulin levels and allows the kidneys to expel excess sodium and water from the body. Therefore, this reduces swelling and unnecessary water weight . It is not uncommon to lose no more than 10 pounds in weight and water during the first week of following this plan.

2) Eating Protein 
protein, fat, and low carb veggies sources

Following this plan highly needs a protein source and fat as well as low-carb vegetables in order to be fully healthy. Therefore we will demonstrate to you the protein, fat, and low-carb veggies sources in order to make it easy for you to pick the one you mostly like.

Protein sources:

  • Meat (beef - chicken)
  • Seafood
  • Eggs

Low-carb veggies:

  • Brussels sprouts
  • Cabbage
  • Swiss chard
  • Lettuce
  • Cucumber
  • Broccoli
  • Cauliflower
  • Spinach
  • Tomatoes
  • Kale
Fat Sources:

  • Avocado oil
  • Butter
  • Olive oil
  • Coconut oil

3) Doing Exercises regularly
doing exercises

In order to lose weight in a fast and healthy way, you should do exercises to achieve that. Moreover, it is recommended to lift weights 3 times a week. 


  1. تكييفات ال جي

    كييف LG يعتبر واحد من أبرز التكييفات في الأسواق العربية لما يمتلكه من مواصفات وإمكانيات عالية جعلته ينافس بقوة في الأسواق بل ويتفوق على أنواع كثيره.

    وفي هذا المقال سوف نتعرف علي مواصفات ومميزات وأسعار تكييفات ال جي 1.5 حصان.

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  3. غسالات فريش

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  4. تحميل ماي بلاي هوم المدرسة
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