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Saturday, September 30, 2017

Is health care a right? What Ohio & Kentucky teach us.

This is the web version of VoxCare, a daily newsletter from Vox on the latest twists & turns in America's health care debate. Gawande's piece probes whether Americans view health care as a right or a privilege. And it comes out Extremely Apparently in Gawande's travels back to his hometown of Athens, Ohio, where he seeks to understand whether people "in the Appalachian foothills" see health care as something everyone has a right to. For further newsletters, check out our newsletters pageOne of the things he runs into once more & once more is an opposition to health care as a right for people who do not seem to deserve it. Chart of the DayAmerica's teen birthrate has fallen with half over the past decade, a stunning public health victory.

Trump tells he probably sign executive order on health care following week

President Donald trump is taking the aftertime of health insurance into his own hands. A day after Congress' last-ditch attempt to cancel Obamacare failed, Donald trump said he probably recently sign an executive order on health care that would affect millions of people. Instead, Donald trump This time seems to be Support health insurance repairs pushed by Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky. It's questionable whether Donald trump can only wipe away state insurance rules by the stroke of a pen, Specialists say. Paul too supports association health plans that would let small businesses that belong to a trade or professional association to pool together across state lines & purchase health coverage.

Trump says he may sign executive order on health care next week

CT senators divided on health care

As it stated in Sen. Richard Blumenthal LAW '73, D-Conn., & Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., are divided over a suggestion to extend Medicare into a Global health care program. "Access to affordable health care ought be a clear right, not an exorbitant luxury," Blumenthal said in a Sept. twelve statement. Still, she is concerned which such a great overhaul of the Medicare system in such short order can have economic repercussions. "The Medicare system is well-established, & every suppliers Utilizes it & has many Medicare customers," Morton said. "So the infrastructure is in place, & adding further people to which infrastructure isn't as difficult as, for example, starting up a state exchange."Murphy's approach probably not lead to a single-payer health care system as quickly as Blumenthal's.

The Latest: Republican Party concedes defeat on health care overhaul

————11:52 a.m.A Fresh test finds which 34 states & Washington, D.C., would lose money under the newest version of the Republican health care bill. ————11 a.m.President Trump tells he's "disappointed in proven so-called Republicans" who have opposed the latest Republican Party attempt to cancel previous President Barack Obama's health care overhaul. The president tells "at some point there going to be a cancel & replace" of the health care law. ————10:40 a.m.Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell tells the partisan debate over the country's health care system going to "certainly continue." The White home tells it believes a Senate health care bill which appears headed for defeat is "still perfect legislation."

The Latest: GOP concedes defeat on health care overhaul

The method forward on health care

Congress ought switch to coming up by a bipartisan bill to solve the ACA instead of trying to cancel it because it is identified by President Barack Obama. Barbara van Voorst, ArlingtonIt was wonderful seeing US Congress unite in welcoming home Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.) back to the Capitol ["Scalise returns to Capitol Hill," forehead page, Sept. 29]. For his part, President Donald trump hasn't missed an opportunity lately to berate Mr. McConnell, & the rest of US Congress for which matter, on this issue. Well, what only happened wasn't major or fast, & he ought be held accountable.

collected by :Lucy William

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