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Tuesday, August 1, 2017

The Huffington Post : reported that Health Care Is Confusing: Medicaid 101

What the health care bills proposed is that Medicaid be covered under a block grant given to a state. I am overwhelmed by understanding my own chronic medical issues; I have some anxiety about hospitals; I hate, hate, hate blood (vasovagal syncoper here) and most bodily functions; and health care in general is fucking confusing, difficult to understand, and navigate. I figured, though, that it might be helpful if I did a little series on health care-related stuff, since I've taken on the task of learning as much as I can about all things health care. I thought I'd start with explaining Medicaid: what it is, what it does, and what the health care bills that were floating around would have done to these programs that legitimately keep people alive every day. Or, like I mentioned, States might just change who is eligible for health insurance (Medicaid) and figure out who's life is more "valuable" (aka, cheaper to cover).

Diagnosing America's Health Care Mess

Diagnosing America's Health Care Mess
Our apparent willingness to increase expenditures on health care even during periods that the real economy is shrinking is suggestive of the relative priority of health care over everything else. But it did not persist in no small part due to a "managed care backlash" the culminated in the passage of many state laws (e.g., any-willing-provider) that deeply impaired the ability of managed care plans to contain costs. The Long-Term Outlook for Health Care Spending. Mandatory wage and price controls (were originally imposed in August 1971) were lifted in January 1973 except for controls involving food, health care and construction ). Thus, the growth rate differential is not a precise comparison of how Americans have consumed health care relative to everything else.

The Future of Health Care After Republicans Fail to Repeal and Replace

"It would stabilize the market and improve health care by ensuring access to health care in Illinois and in our country."But it's unclear whether there are enough votes to pass the compromise plan. Senate Republicans Push for Vote on Health Care BillJune 26: Before they break for a July Fourth recess next week, Senate Republicans are trying to rally support and votes for a bill intended to repeal and replace Obamacare. Health care is really complex issue especially with GOP trying to modify something that's in place."So what could happen? "They should have approved health care last night, but you can't have everything. "It was a huge defeat for Senate Republicans.

collected by :Lucy William

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