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Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Hawaii allows first lab to begin testing medical marijuana quoting : The Seattle Times

HONOLULU (AP) — Hawaii approved its first laboratory to begin testing samples of medical marijuana 17 years after use of the drug was legalized in the state. Hawaii was among the first states to legalize medical marijuana in 2000. Then medical marijuana dispensaries began opening in Hawaii this summer, but they could not sell their products because the state had not certified any labs to conduct the required testing. On Monday, the state Department of Health certified Honolulu-based lab Steep Hill Hawaii. Maui Grown Therapies also is ready to begin testing its product, said Teri Freitas Gorman, director of community relations and patient affairs at the dispensary.

Hawaii allows first lab to begin testing medical marijuana
"As the state of Ohio implements the program to allow for the cultivation, processing and dispensing of medical marijuana, Ohio State looks to engage as an appropriate partner while at the same time complying with federal, state and local laws," Johnson said. This could create a logjam for Ohio, which is still trying to get its medical marijuana program up and running. Thus far, no public state university has made any indication that it will test medical marijuana, though they are given the opportunity to. Ohio State will not apply to be a testing facility for medical marijuana, possibly leaving a void in the state program set to move forward with selecting sites for testing by the end of September. Ohio medical marijuana proponents' initial fears that no university will step forward to begin testing the substance might soon become realities.

PTSD patients can now buy Minnesota's medical marijuana

Tuesday brought the latest expansion of the state's medical marijuana program that launched in July 2015. ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP) - Minnesota residents suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder can start buying medical marijuana. State data shows just 105 patients with PTSD had started or completed the registration process in the month leading up to legal sales. Meanwhile, patient advocates are pushing to add even more conditions like autism, Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease. But manufacturers aren't expecting the same rush of new patients to help offset their heavy financial losses in the first years of legal sales.

collected by :Lucy William

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