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Tuesday, June 27, 2017

The Boston Globe : declared in John Oliver blasts Trump as a ‘human megaphone’ for the anti-vaccine movement

Late-night host John Oliver took on ''anti-vaxxers'' over the weekend and made a passionate case for immunizations. On ''Last Week Tonight,'' Oliver said parents are not just making decisions for their own children - others' children are affected by those decisions as well. Sign up for more newsletters here''That sounds like a decent compromise because it's the middle-ground position, right?'' Oliver said in the episode. Get Political Happy Hour in your inbox: Your afternoon shot of politics, sent straight from the desk of Joshua Miller. ''I kind of get why vaccines can creep people out,'' Oliver continued.

Video: John Oliver Calls Trump The 'Human Megaphone' For Anti-Vaccine Conspiracies: Gothamist

"But these days their voice has been amplified by the human megaphone that is the President of the United States." Believe me, I'm someone who is literally scared of literally everything: the dark, the light, heights, depths, confined spaces, wide-open spaces, strangers, intimacy, spiders, and a sudden and mysterious lack of spiders," Oliver said. Instead, he turned his attention to vaccines, and specifically, the odious anti-vaccine conspiracy theorists who have turned their skepticism into memes, despite a lack of evidence. It's like saying, 'It would be crazy to eat that entire bar of soap, so I'll just eat half of it.'" He was born prematurely following a very difficult pregnancy, and I've worried about his health and I'm still worried about his health a lot.

John Oliver blasts Trump as a 'human megaphone' for the anti-vaccine movement
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 3, 2014"That sounds like a decent compromise because it's the middle-ground position, right?" Oliver said in the episode. Late-night host John Oliver took on "anti-vaxxers" over the weekend and made a passionate case for immunizations. On "Last Week Tonight," Oliver said parents are not just making decisions for their own children — others' children are affected by those decisions as well. Sun added:MMR vaccination rates among U.S.-born children of Somali descent used to be higher than among other children in Minnesota. "I kind of get why vaccines can creep people out," Oliver continued.

collected by :Lucy William

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