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Saturday, April 22, 2017

CNN : declared in Health care talks progress though path forward unclear

A Republican congressman who was undecided on the Ryan-Trump health care bill last month said if a deal is being worked out on health care, members are in the dark. Brat said he expects the new plan will "lower the price of health care" using "free markets as much as we can." Still, there is no guarantee that the math of health care will change any time soon. "Secondly," Brat said, the still-emerging proposal "lets health care return to the states." Trump's first 100 days are quickly coming to a close and there is motivation from the White House that the Hill acts fast.

Health care reform like a house of cards, and the consequences are high

That's why the consequences of any health care reform are high. A previous bill -- The American Health Care Act -- made some headway, only to be pulled at the last minute. Parsing out the winners and losers in the health care debate is not as clear cut as one might think. The White House is plowing forward with what could become the second sweeping change to American health care policy in a decade. Consider, for example, the individual mandate in the Affordable Care Act, which requires everyone to buy insurance or pay a penalty.

Health care knowledge is a must for advisers
Advisers need to understand the deep impact that health care has on every aspect of a client's life, and that means that they must know how to talk about health care issues. But discussing health care issues doesn't mean that an adviser must have all the answers right out of the gate. But political question marks shouldn't stop advisers from tackling health care issues head on. "Advisers need to become comfortable asking one basic question: 'What do you do to take care of your health?'" The survey results suggest that there is a tremendous opportunity for advisers to serve the unmet needs of clients in the health care area.

collected by :Lucy William

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