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Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Is Trump's debate claim about health care costs rising true? : pbs

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Is Trump's debate claim about health care costs rising true?

Is Trump's debate claim about health care costs rising true?
Is Trump's debate claim about health care costs rising true?
Health care finally came up as an issue in the second presidential debate in St. Louis Sunday night.But the discussion may have confused more than clarified the issue for many voters.During the brief exchange about the potential fate of the Affordable Care Act, Republican Donald Trump said this: "Obamacare is a disaster.

let alone msnbc

Unwrapping Donald Trump's health care confusion

Unwrapping Donald Trump's health care confusion
Unwrapping Donald Trump's health care confusion
Trump went on to insist that Clinton is pushing a single-payer plan, which is demonstrably wrong, and that Canadians love the U.S. health care system, which is also untrue.But putting that aside, it's clear that Trump had no idea what he was talking about.President Obama doesn't want insurance "monopolies"; he wants the opposite, with exchange marketplaces where insurers compete for consumers' business.But what about these "lines" Trump seemed so excited about?The Republican nominee was trying and failing to explain a bad idea.

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Image: Jason Hiner/TechRepublic"I got tired of [looking for the] 'Uber for shoeshines'," said Esther Dyson.The technology investor and former tech journalist wanted to do something more meaningful.When she looked at healthcare, she saw a lot of money being spent but not a lot of investment in new ideas.

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