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Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Fort Smith directors discuss health insurance : swtimes

according to swtimes

Fort Smith directors discuss health insurance

Fort Smith directors discuss health insurance
Fort Smith directors discuss health insurance

in the same way fox6now

Premiums up 15.9 percent for those with health insurance plans on Affordable Care Act exchange

Premiums up 15.9 percent for those with health insurance plans on Affordable Care Act exchange
Premiums up 15.9 percent for those with health insurance plans on Affordable Care Act exchange
× Premiums up 15.9 percent for those with health insurance plans on Affordable Care Act exchangeMADISON — The state insurance commissioner says premiums will rise an average of nearly 16 percent next year for Wisconsin health insurance plans on the Affordable Care Act exchange.Commissioner Ted Nickel encouraged individuals to explore their health insurance options because of the rate changes and the recent departures of numerous national carriers.Nickel said in a statement the average increase of 15.9 percent for Wisconsinites is lower than many other states.

in the same way peoriapublicradio

After the debate, how are health insurance costs rising in Missouri and Illinois?

After the debate, how are health insurance costs rising in Missouri and Illinois?
After the debate, how are health insurance costs rising in Missouri and Illinois?
It took just a few minutes for the Affordable Care Act to feature in Sunday's presidential debate between Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton and Republican nominee Donald Trump as Trump quickly blamed the legislation for the rising cost of health care."When I watch what's happening with some horrible things like Obamacare where your health insurance and health care is going up by numbers that are astronomical," Trump said, adding that costs have gone up as much as 71 percent.The Trump campaign has not said where he obtained his figures.

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