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Friday, October 14, 2016

Employee Education Is Key to Navigating Shifting Health Care Costs : workforce

according to workforce

Employee Education Is Key to Navigating Shifting Health Care Costs

Employee Education Is Key to Navigating Shifting Health Care Costs
Employee Education Is Key to Navigating Shifting Health Care Costs
It's no secret that health care costs are increasing across the board.According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, deductibles rose 12 percent in 2016.The trend toward higher deductibles has been especially pronounced among employers with fewer than 200 employees, where 65 percent of workers are now on high-deductible plans.

coupled with nytimes

Health Care Law's Beneficiaries Reflect Its Strengths, and Its Faults

Health Care Law's Beneficiaries Reflect Its Strengths, and Its Faults
Health Care Law's Beneficiaries Reflect Its Strengths, and Its Faults
Insurers, including a few big ones like Aetna and Humana, are withdrawing from the marketplaces in many states, saying they are losing too much money.Others are sharply raising prices for next year, and the turbulence is fueling Republican criticism — including from Donald J. Trump during Sunday's presidential debate, in which he called the rate increases "astronomical."A few customers can generate big costs.Even a small number of customers with serious conditions can greatly increase costs.

besides usnews

Innovation Hub's Lesley Solomon: From Hackathon to Health Care

Innovation Hub's Lesley Solomon: From Hackathon to Health Care
Innovation Hub's Lesley Solomon: From Hackathon to Health Care
Lesley Solomon is executive director of the Innovation Hub at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston and director of strategy and innovation in the Brigham Research Institute, positions that put her at the forefront of discovery at one of the world's leading medical institutions.USN&WRShe works to create and expand relationships between Brigham researchers and innovators in biotech, pharma and other academic centers, while building the hospital's reputation for research leadership.She established the Innovation Hub in 2013 to bring together collaborators to identify creative solutions to health care problems – and transform them from ideas to solutions that can be sold in the marketplace.

by the same token on realclearmarkets

Medical Licensing Regulations Shrink Efficient Health Care

Medical Licensing Regulations Shrink Efficient Health Care
Medical Licensing Regulations Shrink Efficient Health Care
The United States faces a looming crisis in the provision of health care.A number of sources have communicated dire warnings about upcoming shortages in the medical profession, and a 2015 Washington Post article cited data suggesting that 90,000 physicians would have to be added to the workforce by 2025 to meet the overwhelming demand for U.S. health care professionals.Many wonder if the looming shortage of physicians can be fixed, and the answer is undoubtedly so, but how?

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