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Wednesday, October 12, 2016

CDC offering new recommendations about the flu vaccine this year : abc7news

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CDC offering new recommendations about the flu vaccine this year

CDC offering new recommendations about the flu vaccine this year
CDC offering new recommendations about the flu vaccine this year
We all know getting a vaccine is hands down the best defense against the flu.But depending on your age and health, you may need to change the type of vaccine you get.and there are important new recommendations about the flu vaccine.Kids are not going to like this, but this year the nasal vaccine Flumist is not recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention "In the last three years, Flumist offered little if any protection against the flu in children between the ages of 2 and 17," said Dr. Orly Ayitzur, Consumer Reports Medical Director.By comparison, when children got the shot, the vaccine was 63 percent effective at preventing the flu.Adults ages 18 to 64 have the option of getting the vaccine with a smaller needle that only pierces the skin, which should be less painful than the traditional shot injected into the muscle.And there are new formulations for people 65 and over to consider whose immune system research shows, may not be as responsive as young people's.Fluzone High Dose is four times stronger than the normal vaccine and another type, Fluad, boosts older people's immune system response.

coupled with americanthinker

The flu vaccine is probably useless

The flu vaccine is probably useless
The flu vaccine is probably useless
The flu vaccine is probably uselessI read a New York Times article talking about the importance of getting a flu shot and, given the source, immediately suspected that the opposite is true.Turns out I was right.The CDC says that last year, the effectiveness of the flu shot was less than 40%, and the year before that, it was only 14% effective.

besides myeasternshoremd

Free flu vaccine available

Free flu vaccine available
Free flu vaccine available
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in the same way wired

The flu vaccine that could destroy the virus

The flu vaccine that could destroy the virus
The flu vaccine that could destroy the virus
Lancaster UniversityIt is one of the starkest reminders of the power of evolution, and in the arms race between medicine and influenza, humans don't always win.ADVERTISEMENTAs winter approaches, millions of people are given a vaccination to protect them against flu – a minor inconvenience to ward off a potentially lethal disease.But each year the flu virus mutates, and a vaccine against one strain is basically useless against any other.

in addition cbc

Lifelong flu vaccine moves closer with Canadian research

Lifelong flu vaccine moves closer with Canadian research
Lifelong flu vaccine moves closer with Canadian research
Getting your flu shot every year can be a pain in the arm and many people skip the annual needle.But scientists say they're getting close to a universal flu vaccine that would offer lifelong protection.Teams of scientists in the U.K., U.S, Australia and Canada are working toward that goal.

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