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Monday, September 26, 2016

Sanofi gets $43 mln U.S. funding to spur Zika vaccine development : reuters

As it stated in reuters

Sanofi gets $43 mln U.S. funding to spur Zika vaccine development

Sanofi gets $43 mln U.S. funding to spur Zika vaccine development
Sanofi gets $43 mln U.S. funding to spur Zika vaccine development
A logo is seen in front of the entrance at the headquarters French drugmaker Sanofi in Paris October 30, 2014.REUTERS/Christian Hartmann/File PhotoSanofi SA said on Monday the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) approved $43.18 million in funding to accelerate the development of a Zika vaccine, as efforts to prevent the infection gather momentum.The funding from the HHS' Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) will be used for mid-stage trials, expected to begin in the first half of 2018, and for manufacturing, the French drugmaker said.

moreover from outbreaknewstoday

Zika vaccine: Sanofi Pasteur awarded $43 million to develop an inactivated vaccine

Zika vaccine: Sanofi Pasteur awarded $43 million to develop an inactivated vaccine
Zika vaccine: Sanofi Pasteur awarded $43 million to develop an inactivated vaccine
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' (HHS) Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR) today announced a contract to develop an inactivated vaccine candidate to prevent the Zika virus infection and thereby the associated devastating birth defects.Inactivated vaccines have been shown to be safe and effective when given to special populations, including pregnant women and people with immunocompromised conditions.Under a $43.18 million contract through June 2022 with Sanofi Pasteur of Swiftwater, Pennsylvania, ASPR's Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) is providing funding and technical assistance to support the advanced development of a candidate Zika vaccine whose development was initiated at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research (WRAIR).

let alone fiercepharma

Sanofi grabs $43M in U.S. government funds to advance Zika vaccine into Phase II

Sanofi grabs $43M in U.S. government funds to advance Zika vaccine into Phase II
Sanofi grabs $43M in U.S. government funds to advance Zika vaccine into Phase II
Just months after signing on with the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research to develop a Zika vaccine, Sanofi Pasteur won a $43 million vote of confidence from the U.S. government's BARDA to advance the work.The Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) shelled out to fund Phase II development of Sanofi's candidate vaccine, dubbed Zika purified inactivated virus (ZPIV).If the Phase II testing is successful, BARDA could advance another $130 million for follow-up studies, the agency said.

furthermore rawstory

Why a Zika vaccine is a long way off

Why a Zika vaccine is a long way off
Why a Zika vaccine is a long way off
The Zika virus is a flu-like disease that is transmitted by the Aedes aegypti mosquito (AFP Photo/Luis Robayo)Recent news articles have highlighted positive findings in experimental Zika virus pre-clinical vaccine studies in monkeys and described the start of two Zika virus vaccine trials in humans.These stories have spurred hopes that a Zika virus vaccine will be available to prevent this infection, and its secondary effects, such as abnormal fetal development.But, even with pre-clinical and early stage clinical trials underway, we still may not see a Zika vaccine licensed and approved for use in humans for years.

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