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Monday, September 26, 2016

Obamacare Is Expanding Health Insurance Coverage : usnews

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Obamacare Is Expanding Health Insurance Coverage

Obamacare Is Expanding Health Insurance Coverage
Obamacare Is Expanding Health Insurance Coverage
Three key indicators of Americans' economic well-being moved decisively in the right direction in 2015, last week's Census Bureau reports on income, poverty and health insurance show.Household income grew at its fastest rate on record in data back to 1967, the poverty rate tied its largest drop since 1968, and the share of Americans without health insurance fell to an historic low (9.1 percent) for the second straight year.The income and poverty gains reflect an improving economy and will likely continue this year.

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The Health Insurance Companies Are Scamming America
The Health Insurance Companies Are Scamming America
The Obamacare insurance co-ops have collapsed.Of the original 23, only three are expected to survive past 2017.The insurance companies are losing hundreds of millions of dollars on the healthcare insurance exchanges.

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