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Thursday, September 8, 2016

MRIs in first trimester of pregnancy not associated with increased risk to fetus : medicalxpress

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MRIs in first trimester of pregnancy not associated with increased risk to fetus

MRIs in first trimester of pregnancy not associated with increased risk to fetus
MRIs in first trimester of pregnancy not associated with increased risk to fetus
Photo by Bianca de Blok.In an analysis that included more than 1.4 million births, exposure to magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) during the first trimester of pregnancy compared with nonexposure was not associated with increased risk of harm to the fetus or in early childhood, although gadolinium MRI at any time during pregnancy was associated with an increased risk of a broad set of rheumatological, inflammatory, or skin conditions and, possibly, for stillbirth or neonatal death, according to a study appearing in the September 6 issue of JAMA.Concern has been expressed about the safety of MRI exposure in the first trimester of pregnancy due to the heating of sensitive tissues by radiofrequency fields and exposure to the loud acoustic environment.

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MRIs in first trimester of pregnancy not associated with increased risk to fetus: Study

MRIs in first trimester of pregnancy not associated with increased risk to fetus: Study
MRIs in first trimester of pregnancy not associated with increased risk to fetus: Study
TORONTO, Sept. 6, 2016--Performing an MRI on a woman in the early part of pregnancy does not increase the risk of her baby being stillborn, dying soon after birth or having a birth defect, a new study suggests.Nor do the children have a higher risk of vision loss, hearing loss or cancer in their first four years.Magnetic resonance imaging is generally thought to be safe for the fetus in the second or third trimesters of pregnancy, but there were no prior controlled studies on its safety in the first trimester, when the fetus forms its major organs and body structures.

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Smoking during pregnancy may up risk for neuropsychiatric disorders in babies

Smoking during pregnancy may up risk for neuropsychiatric disorders in babies
Smoking during pregnancy may up risk for neuropsychiatric disorders in babies
The team also adjusted for factors associated with maternal smoking, including maternal age, presence of maternal psychiatric disorders, socioeconomic status, consumption of beer, wine, spirits, coffee, and hashish during pregnancy The team also adjusted for factors associated with maternal smoking, including maternal age, presence of maternal psychiatric disorders, socioeconomic status, consumption of beer, wine, spirits, coffee, and hashish during pregnancyWomen who smoke during pregnancy may increase the risk of children developing neuropsychiatric disorders associated with behavioural problems, warn researchers.The link seems especially strong for complex presentations of the Tourette syndrome — a nervous system disorder involving repetitive movements or unwanted sounds — in which two or more psychiatric disorders like chronic tic disorders and pediatric obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) are present, the study said.The researchers found that heavy maternal smoking (10 or more cigarettes a day) during pregnancy caused a 66 per cent increase in the risk for chronic tic disorders in the child.

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