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Saturday, July 30, 2016

Reader's View: Don’t blame Obamacare for health insurance costs : duluthnewstribune

As it stated in duluthnewstribune

Reader's View: Don't blame Obamacare for health insurance costs

Reader's View: Don't blame Obamacare for health insurance costs
Reader's View: Don't blame Obamacare for health insurance costs
I could not have disagreed more with the July 15 letter, "Democrats, Obama have ruined health care," which argued that Obamacare caused massive premium increases in health insurance coverage.Obamacare had nothing to do with the increase described in the letter.The letter evidently was about individual health care coverage, and that coverage has always been extremely expensive.

as well timesunion

UAlbany to end student health insurance program

UAlbany to end student health insurance program
UAlbany to end student health insurance program
UAlbany to end student health insurance program Underuse and rise of Affordable Care Act are citedAlbanyThe University at Albany is dropping its student health insurance program, along with the requirement that students must maintain health insurance of some kind while enrolled full time.The decision was driven by a steady decline in the number of students participating in the program, said Ed Engelbride, associate vice president for student affairs.The decline also coincided with the implementation of the federal Affordable Care Act, which requires everyone to have insurance or pay a penalty.

not to mention phillyvoice

Pennsylvania health insurance companies request substantial rate increases

Pennsylvania health insurance companies request substantial rate increases
Pennsylvania health insurance companies request substantial rate increases
Representatives from six major health insurance companies requested double-digit increases in rates on Wednesday at a public information hearing on the costs of healthcare for insurers, consumers and other stakeholders.Insurance Commissioner Teresa Miller heard testimony from all stakeholders to address the 2017 rate requests and the challenges of the current health insurance marketplace in Pennsylvania."The cost of health insurance and the impact these costs have on consumers is something my department takes very seriously when reviewing requests for rate increases," said Commissioner Miller.

not to mention hhs

20 million people have gained health insurance coverage because of the Affordable Care Act, new estimates show

20 million people have gained health insurance coverage because of the Affordable Care Act, new estimates show
20 million people have gained health insurance coverage because of the Affordable Care Act, new estimates show
A new report released today finds that the provisions of the Affordable Care Act have resulted in an estimated 20 million people gaining health insurance coverage between the passage of the law in 2010 and early 2016—an historic reduction in the uninsured.Those provisions include Medicaid expansion, Health Insurance Marketplace coverage, and changes in private insurance that allow young adults to stay on their parent's health insurance plans and require plans to cover people with pre-existing health conditions.The report's model controls for general economic conditions (i.e., employment status), preexisting trends, geographic location, and demographic changes, so its estimates focus on the decline in the number of uninsured Americans specifically associated with the provisions of the Affordable Care Act.

additionally irishtimes

Number with private health insurance surges

Number with private health insurance surges
Number with private health insurance surges
An additional 97,000 signed up for private health insurance last year compared with 2014, reversing a trend where the number of those insured had been falling since 2009.The figures, contained in the Health Insurance Authority's 2015 annual report, bring the total number of those insured to 2.12 million or 46 per cent of the population.The report says the increase can be attributed to the introduction of the lifetime community rating regime on May 1st, which put pressure on people to enter the market.

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