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Wednesday, March 1, 2017

The Hill : reported that Trump backs healthcare tax credit amid conservative opposition

In those principals, he endorsed the creation of tax credits to help people pay for health insurance. President Trump on Tuesday endorsed putting tax credits in an ObamaCare replacement plan, an idea opposed by many conservatives. "Mandating every American to buy government-approved health insurance was never the right solution for America," he said. To be sure, Trump did not specify that the tax credit would be advanceable and refundable, which are the characteristics that have drawn conservative opposition. Tax credits are a central element of House Republican leadership's plan, though, as the main way to help people afford insurance.

In Congress speech, Trump got healthcare right. But now what?

In Congress speech, Trump got healthcare right. But now what?
A good way to attack this problem is to pay physicians a salary (plus bonus for quality). There are two key problems:ADVERTISEMENTMany members of Congress would not have given the same speech. Hardly "make sure no one is left out."Even if the Republican Congress agreed with the president's words, there is no way to pay for a plan like this, right? Here are a few direct quotes:"Expand choice, increase access, lower costs, and at the same time, provide better healthcare. ... "Give our governors the resources and flexibility they need with Medicaid to make sure no one is left out."These are admirable goals.

Trump lays out ambitious plans for healthcare and immigration in a disciplined speech to Congress

The current legal immigration system heavily emphasizes family unification and is aimed at allowing in people from around the world striving to take advantage of American opportunity. Trump challenged opponents who have bristled at his aggressive approach to tackling illegal immigration, including his "great, great" border wall. President Trump championed new approaches to healthcare and immigration Tuesday in a disciplined address to a joint session of Congress that may have been his most traditional political speech since he entered public life decades ago. By contrast, Trump advocated a system that would emphasize immigrants who already have skills the U.S. economy needs. A single speech cannot be expected to turn around Trump's presidency, which has suffered from early missteps and internal disorganization.

collected by :Lucy William

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