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Thursday, February 23, 2017

regblog : reported that Justifying Health Insurance

Justifying Health InsuranceRecent discussions about revising or replacing the Affordable Care Act (ACA) raise philosophical questions about the rationale for having a health insurance system. As lawmakers continue to debate the path forward for health policy, it is helpful to review the economic and moral justifications for health insurance. Consider two extremes, what I will call "market insurance" and "social insurance." At one extreme, market insurance provides a fixed level of coverage at a price determined by each individual's level of risk. It would be difficult to allow people to choose which part of health insurance to opt out of. Second, because the high-risk category is a minority, the operators of health insurance pools have an incentive to reduce benefits to this minority.

Trump Administration Tries to Calm Health Insurance Market With New ACA Rule

Trump Administration Tries to Calm Health Insurance Market With New ACA Rule
Related: Obamacare Uncertainty is Scaring Off Health Insurance CompaniesThe ACA was designed to get health insurance to more Americans, and it did. Related: 12 Million Got Health Insurance Under ObamacareIndependent analysts said the new rules should reassure health insurance companies. "[The new regulation] will help protect Americans enrolled in the individual and small group health insurance markets while future reforms are being debated." At least 20 million more people have health insurance than before the law was enacted. And they worry a lot that people will wait to buy health insurance until they are sick.

AHIP: Repeal Health Insurance Tax Now to Lower Premiums

AHIP: Repeal Health Insurance Tax Now to Lower PremiumsRepealing the health insurance tax would lower health plan premiums about 3%, says the healthcare insurance industry's top advocacy group. She called the tax "a direct sales tax on health insurance, which directly increases the premiums that people pay." The health insurance tax will affect premiums at a rate of about 3%, says Kristine Grow, AHIP senior vice president for communications. Employers and individual consumers have indicated to AHIP that repealing HIT would have a significant impact, Grow says. Marilyn Tavenner, now president and CEO of America's Health Insurance Plans, which represents its member plans before federal policymakers and lawmakers, called for repealing HIT in a recent blog post.

collected by :Lucy William

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