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Monday, October 3, 2016

UNM study: HPV vaccine ‘better than we ever could have imagined’ : abqjournal

as declared in abqjournal

UNM study: HPV vaccine 'better than we ever could have imagined'

UNM study: HPV vaccine 'better than we ever could have imagined'
UNM study: HPV vaccine 'better than we ever could have imagined'
.......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ..........The incidence of abnormal growths that can lead to cervical cancer fell by more than half among teenage girls in New Mexico from 2007 to 2014, a new study found.The University of New Mexico study provides strong evidence for the effectiveness of vaccines that target the human papilloma virus, or HPV, that causes most cervical cancers, the study's lead author said.

in addition cbsnews

HPV vaccine works even better than expected, study finds

HPV vaccine works even better than expected, study finds
HPV vaccine works even better than expected, study finds
The vaccine against human papillomavirus (HPV) infection, which doctors believe causes most cases of cervical cancer, appears even more effective than believed, a new study finds."After eight years of vaccination, the reduction in the incidence of cervical neoplasia [abnormal growth of cells], including pre-cancers, have been reduced approximately 50 percent.This is greater than what was expected – that's pretty exciting," said lead researcher Cosette Wheeler.

in addition heraldstandard

Parents more comfortable with HPV vaccine

Parents more comfortable with HPV vaccine
Parents more comfortable with HPV vaccine
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in addition news-medical

HPV vaccine can decrease incidence of cervical pre-cancers among young women, research shows

HPV vaccine can decrease incidence of cervical pre-cancers among young women, research shows
HPV vaccine can decrease incidence of cervical pre-cancers among young women, research shows
Every 20 minutes, someone in the United States receives a cancer diagnosis related to human papillomavirus.HPV causes cancer of the cervix, anus and throat.The HPV vaccine can prevent infections causing most of these kinds of cancer if people receive it before being exposed to the virus.

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