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Saturday, August 5, 2017

Seniors board ‘cannabus’ for trip to medical marijuana dispensary stat : Orange County Register

"I want relief from pain."Nelson has been a member of the Laguna Woods Medical Cannabis Club for two years. At 10:30 a.m., a big white bus was waiting to whisk 14 seniors off on a new adventure: a shopping trip at a medical marijuana dispensary. Laguna Woods Mayor Shari Horne, who's a medical marijuana advocate and patient herself, was on the ride. Others had never heard of THC and didn't know how to get a doctor's recommendation for medical marijuana. In 2008, Laguna Woods became the first city in Orange County to pass a law allowing for dispensaries.

Seniors board 'cannabus' for trip to medical marijuana dispensary
PHOENIX - A few days ago residents at The Pointe at South Mountain apartment complex received a letter reminding them that marijuana at the complex is not allowed — including medical marijuana. "The Arizona Medical Marijuana Act did not legalize marijuana in any way. The Arizona Medical Marijuana law only keeps property owners from discriminating against card holders. Because of that, it reminded residents that any use, including medical marijuana, is prohibited. "Interestingly, they can prevent you from using marijuana on their property," said Alex Karam, an attorney with Smith Saks PLC.

N.J. medical marijuana panel: Allow 43 more conditions

South Phoenix apartment complex bans use of medical marijuana on property
New Jersey's rigid, seven-year-old medical marijuana program permits only those afflicted with one of a dozen conditions to obtain cannabis. "I don't want to say that I'm fortunate, but my condition, ulcerative colitis, qualifies me to be a medical marijuana patient. Pennsylvania, which is planning to launch its medical marijuana program next year, already includes chronic pain and autism among its list of eligible conditions. Based on the petitions, the panel suggested 43 new conditions for the list, including variations of certain diseases and ailments. One year ago, the New Jersey panel invited the public to submit petitions and evidence that cannabis can alleviate certain symptoms and conditions.

collected by :Lucy William

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