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Thursday, July 27, 2017

Gov. Hutchinson applauds low health insurance rate requests quoting : newtoncountytimes

LITTLE ROCK — Requests for increases in health insurance rates for 2018 are among the lowest in the United States thanks to broad-based participation in the individual marketplace, largely driven by the Arkansas Works program, Governor Hutchinson said Wednesday in reaction to a report from Arkansas Insurance Commissioner Allen Kerr.

Gov. Hutchinson applauds low health insurance rate requests
As members of Congress debate whether to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, it seems fair to ask: How much do they pay for health care? As the myth busting website Snopes points out, "contrary to popular belief, Congressional members do not receive free health care." In short, Snopes reports that members of Congress and staff "pay approximately 28 percent of their annual healthcare premiums through pre-tax payroll deductions." Instead, they choose a gold-level Obamacare policy and receive federal subsidies that cover 72 percent of the cost of the premiums. The answer is that, while they don't pay nothing for coverage, they don't pay much.

Twin Cities restaurateur adds surcharge for health insurance

(Photo: KARE)MINNEAPOLIS - Twin Cities restaurateur Kim Bartmann has developed a successful stable of eateries by setting, and staying ahead of trends. (Photo: KARE)Bartmann estimates that her employees' health care costs her about $100,000 a year. Beginning friday customers of the Tiny Diner and other eateries owned by Kim Bartmann will pay a three percent surcharge on their checks, money that will cover the increase in health insurance costs for her employees. "Having health insurance is critical, even for young people who think that they're invincible."Bartmann decided back in 1993 that she needed to provide health insurance and dental coverage for her employees, offering four different options to anyone who works more than 25 hours a week. "What I know I will be able to do is keep my doors open longer as cost to do so goes up."Restaurateur Kim Bartmann has been covering part of her employees health insurance costs since 1993.

collected by :Lucy William

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