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Sunday, October 2, 2016

Arkansas governor medical pot would hurt state s businesses : couriernews

as declared in couriernews

Arkansas governor medical pot would hurt state s businesses

Arkansas governor medical pot would hurt state s businesses
Arkansas governor medical pot would hurt state s businesses
Arkansas governor: medical pot would hurt state's businessesBy ANDREW DeMILLO, Associated PressLITTLE ROCK, Ark.(AP) — Arkansas' governor and lieutenant governor said Wednesday that legalizing medical marijuana would hurt the state's efforts to keep and attract businesses, as the two Republicans targeted a pair of ballot measures that they contend would prevent companies from maintaining drug-free workplaces.Gov.Asa Hutchinson and Lt. Gov.

as well goupstate

Poll: S.C. residents favor medical pot

Poll: S.C. residents favor medical pot
Poll: S.C. residents favor medical pot
Poll: S.C. residents favor medical potCOLUMBIA — South Carolinians overwhelmingly support legalizing marijuana, but for medical use only — not for fun.According to Winthrop Poll questions asked exclusively for The State newspaper, nearly four in five S.C. residents — or 78 percent — support legalizing medical marijuana.Meanwhile, only 39 percent of South Carolinians said they support legalizing pot for recreational use, a move opposed by 54 percent of those surveyed.

coupled with recordonline

New York's medical pot program is an obstacle course

New York's medical pot program is an obstacle course
New York's medical pot program is an obstacle course
New York's medical pot program is an obstacle courseJen McTamaney isn't counting steps anymore.Her pain was once so unbearable that she knew how many excruciating steps it took to reach the bathroom and kitchen in her Plattekill home.These days, she dares to think of the day when she can ride her Harley again.

as well seacoastonline

Referendum divides Maine medical pot community

Referendum divides Maine medical pot community
Referendum divides Maine medical pot community
Referendum divides Maine medical pot communityA split inside the medical marijuana community in Maine has spurred debate about the impacts of a ballot measure to legalize and regulate marijuana before voters Nov. 8Some favor legalization to ensure adults have access to marijuana, even those who seek it for medical purposes but do not qualify for medicinal use now, to use it without fear of criminal repercussion.Others are concerned the current law, as written, could weaken the medicinal marijuana program for caregivers and patients.The battle creates a division among those who, generally speaking, want to end the prohibition of marijuana.

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