We will quote to you most important and trendy news about Health care of the best health sites Like : "insurancejournal" and the most famous medical experts : Ricardo Alonso-Zaldivar
daily : 2016-12-26 & on time : 0:8
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How Much Do Health Insurance Subsidies Cost Taxpayers?
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Taxpayers will fork over nearly $10 billion more next year to cover double-digit premium hikes for subsidized health insurance under President Barack Obama's law, according to a study released Thursday.The analysis from the Center for Health and Economy comes as the Republican-led Congress is preparing to repeal "Obamacare" and replace it with a GOP alternative whose details have yet to be worked out.With incoming President Donald Trump likely to sign such legislation, historic coverage gains under the 2010 health law are at stake.
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The Health Insurance Costs Threatening Our Seniors
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Our older Americans aren't getting much of a raise next year in Social Security benefits.Projections for 2017 show a 0.3 percent increase — which amounts to only about $4 or $5 (yes, that's it).The good news about this lackluster increase is that it means a minimal increase in monthly premiums for Medicare insurance plans.That doesn't mean some of the old problems with Medicare are going away.
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