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Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Fewer Americans are without health insurance than ever before : nbc15

As it stated in nbc15

Fewer Americans are without health insurance than ever before

Fewer Americans are without health insurance than ever before
Fewer Americans are without health insurance than ever before
HYATTSVILLE, Md.(NBC News) -- A new government report reveals 8.6% of the population was uninsured at the beginning of this year.That's down slightly from last year, but is a significant drop from 2010 when 16% of Americans lacked insurance.

in addition chicagotribune

Government survey shows health insurance gains slowing

Government survey shows health insurance gains slowing
Government survey shows health insurance gains slowing
The nation's progress in getting more people covered by health insurance slowed significantly this year, the government confirmed Wednesday in a report that tempers a historic achievement of the Obama administration.About 1.3 million fewer people were uninsured the first three months of this year, driving the uninsured rate to a record low of 8.6 percent, according to the National Health Interview Survey, an ongoing project of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.Still, that progress is a fraction of the earlier gains seen under President Barack Obama's health care law.

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