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Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Call an agent for help in obtaining health insurance : post-gazette

referring to post-gazette

Call an agent for help in obtaining health insurance

Call an agent for help in obtaining health insurance
Call an agent for help in obtaining health insurance
A recent article reported that Aetna, one of the nation's largest health insurers, will sell exchange plans in just four states in 2017, down from 15 states this year ("Aetna to Withdraw From Federal Health Insurance Marketplace," Aug. 17).Hundreds of thousands of people must find new plans.Health insurance agents and brokers can help them sort through confusing details and find plans that meet their unique needs and budgets.

coupled with vtdigger

Scott outlines health insurance changes

Scott outlines health insurance changes
Scott outlines health insurance changes
BURLINGTON—Lt.Phil Scott says he would abandon the state's health care exchange and lobby the federal government to allow Vermont businesses to buy insurance across state lines if he becomes governor.Those were two aspects of the health care reform plan he announced at the top of Church Street, where he said that under the last six years of Democratic Party leadership in Montpelier, health care costs have increased by "well over 20 percent."The plan includes many of Scott's positions from the primary campaign—that the state abandon Vermont Health Connect in favor of either the federal exchange or a multi-state exchange, and that the administrative costs of Medicaid are too high.

coupled with campusreform

Vanderbilt settles health insurance suit from Christian student

Vanderbilt settles health insurance suit from Christian student
Vanderbilt settles health insurance suit from Christian student
Vanderbilt University has settled a dispute with a Christian student who sought a waiver from the school's compulsory health insurance policy because it required him to pay for transgender surgery.Octavio Edgington, a senior political science major at the Nashville, Tennessee university, sought the waiver on moral and religious grounds, but was initially rejected without any explanation other than that the alternative policy he proposed would fail to meet unspecified requirements."If our insurance was meeting the federal guidelines...then I don't see how they could reject my waiver."

as well thonline

Government survey shows health insurance gains slowing

Government survey shows health insurance gains slowing
Government survey shows health insurance gains slowing
WASHINGTON — The nation's progress in getting more people covered by health insurance slowed significantly this year, the government confirmed today in a report that tempers a historic achievement of the Obama administration.About 1.3 million fewer people were uninsured the first three months of this year, driving the uninsured rate to a record low of 8.6 percent, according to the National Health Interview Survey, an ongoing project of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.That progress is a fraction of the earlier gains seen under President Barack Obama's health care law.

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